
Food industry chemicals support food preservation and freshness, and are present in food processing stages such as: colorizing, whitening, crisping, etc.

As a strong oxidizer, Hydrogen Peroxide is used for bleaching in the textile industry. In particular, Hydrogen Peroxide is used to bleach textile fibers, disinfect and deodorize in stages of fabric production.

In the textile dyeing industry, Acetic Acid is used to slow down the dyeing process, to increase the color uniformity of the product, to prepare the colorization solution,

In aquaculture, CaCl2 is mainly used to regulate osmotic pressure, supplement calcium, strengthen shrimp’s body for easy molting,

Polymers are used in industrial wastewater and domestic water treatment. When polymers are added to water, ...

EDTA 4Na is known as a popular aquaculture chemical due to its reasonable price, ...

List of

1 Lactic Acid 88%  THAILAND 25kg/bag 
2 Citric Acid  CHINA 25kg/bag 
3 Acetic Acid  TAIWAN 30kg/bag 
4 NaNO2 CHINA 25kg/bag 
5 Sorbic Acid  CHINA 25kg/bag 
6 Dicalcium Phosfate - DCP  VIETNAM 25kg/bag 
7 CMC  JAPAN 20kg/bag 



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PVCHEM provides customers with 24/7 service, delivered by a team of professional, experienced and skilled personnel who are always ready to answer and support customers in a timely manner. 


Responsibility to the community and the environment 

PVCHEM products are always focused on industrial waste treatment to help protect consumers, the community and the living environment.